Young woman relaxes with smartphone in bathtub

A young woman enjoys a serene moment in the bathtub, engaging with her smartphone, capturing an intimate and private leisure time.

$ 1.00 USD
$ 500.00 USD
Resolution Icon - Stock X Webflow Template
5376 × 3584
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5.3 MB
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young, woman, relaxation, smartphone, bathtub, leisure, texting, chatting, privacy, technology, serene, personal, moment, calm, enjoyment, lifestyle, wellness, health, self-care, bath, happy, smile, digital, age, female, millennial, comfort, home, hygiene, water, carefree, modern life, downtime, peaceful, content, tranquil, serene, beauty, pampering, self-love, rejuvenation, relaxation, authentic, moment, intimate, well-being, unwind, cozy, simplicity, joy, luxury, personal time, daily life