Man with Leather Backpack Walking in Suburbia

A candid shot capturing a young man's journey, symbolizing exploration or daily commute in a suburban setting, with a focus on the stylish leather backpack.

$ 1.00 USD
$ 50.00 USD
Resolution Icon - Stock X Webflow Template
5376 × 3584
Size Icon - Stock X Webflow Template
11.8 MB
Type Icon - Stock X Webflow Template

man, backpack, walking, suburbia, journey, exploration, commute, style, leather, candid, young, traveler, suburban life, daily routine, outdoors, road, casual, fashion, accessory, lifestyle, individual, morning, overcast, residential, solitude, adventure, path, leaves, autumn, season, moody, travel gear, wanderlust, destination, street, personal journey, exploration, backpacker, modern, male, contemporary, solitude, active, on the go, footwear, attire, practical, functional, carry-on, independence, town, peaceful, routine